lunes, 12 de enero de 2015

Actividades TPR en inglés

Las actividades de TPR (Total Physical Response) son un método comunicativo para aprender lenguas extranjeras. Consiste en escuchar instrucciones (ejemp.: mano derecha arriba) y los niños responden con la acción. La lección debe ser de manera predecible, por uso de rutinas. Son actividades muy adecuadas para niños de educación infantil porque pueden imitar facilmente y confían en sus sentidos para adquirir nuevos conocimientos. Pero es fundamental que las instrucciones sean claras y que haya una buena pronunciación. 
Es un método natural, divertido, activo y participativo en el cual, se reconocen palabras, se recuerdan estructuras de las frases o aprenden a utilizar las frases hechas. 

A continuación, hay diferentes actividades de TPR adecuadas para cada edad de educación infantil:

3 años: Go-Stop

Letra de la canción:
Go go go, stop stop stop,
Go go go, stop stop stop,
One more time,
Go go go, stop stop stop,
Go go go, stop stop stop,
Spin around, spin around,
Great job!
4 años: Teddy says
Letra de la canción:
Teddy says stand up, Teddy says sit down,
Teddy says stand up, Teddy says turn around,
Turn around, turn around, turn around,
Turn turn turn around.

Teddy says point up, Teddy says point down,
Teddy says point up, Teddy says turn around,
Turn around, turn around, turn around,
Turn turn turn around.

Teddy says point up, Teddy says sit down,
Teddy says stand up, Teddy says turn around,
Turn around, turn around, turn around,
Turn around, turn around, turn around,

Teddy says stop, Teddy says well done everybody!

5 años: You put...
Letra de la canción:
You put one hand in, you put one hand out, you put one hand in and shake, shake, shake, shake, shake! You do the hokey pokey and turn around! Everybody turn around!

You put two hands in, you put two hands out, you put two hands in and shake, shake, shake, shake, shake! You do the hokey pokey and clap your hands! Everybody clap your hands!

You put one foot in, you put one foot out, you put one foot in and shake, shake, shake, shake, shake! You do the hokey pokey and sit down! Everybody please sit down!

You put two feet in, you put two feet out, you put two feet in and shake, shake, shake, shake, shake! You do the hokey pokey and stand up! Everybody please stand up!

You put your head in, you put your head out, you put your head in and shake, shake, shake, shake, shake! You do the hokey pokey and sing the song! La-laaa, la-laaa-laaa-laaa!

You put your back side in, you put your back side out, you put your back side in and shake, shake, shake, shake, shake! You do the hokey pokey and be quiet! Everybody please be quiet!Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

You put your whole self in, you put your whole self out, you put your whole self in and shake, shake, shake, shake, shake! You do the hokey pokey and take a bowt! Everybody take a bow!


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